I'm Joshua Saji

incoming cs student @ uw madison.


about me.

Hello! My name is Joshua Saji, and I will be attending the University of Wisconsin - Madison as a freshman computer science major this September. I was born in the Bay Area, but moved to Maryland when I was 11 up to when I graduated high school.

I am a curious & driven developer & designer of 8 years, always eager to learn about anything new to enhance my knowledge & skillsets. I am especially interested in the intersection of computer science & mathematics: deep learning & artificial intelligence, and its vast range of applications, including computer vision and natural language. I am also interested in business & entrepreneurship, and hope to use my technical skills to start my own venture in tech in the future.

Outside of programming, you may see me reading books (currently reading Elon Musk's biography by Walter Isaacson), playing basketball/watching the NBA (go Warriors!), cooking, hanging out with friends, jump rope, running, and anything self-improvement.

my work.


featured projects.

Linear Regression Visualizer


a web application that visually depicts the functionalities of linear regression. built with html/css/javascript.

>> access project

Basketball Jump Shot Analysis


in development!

featured blog posts.

a gentle intro to linear regression


coming soon!

the boring life is the best life

lifestyle, self-improvement

coming soon!



questions? up to collab? wanna say hi? don’t hesitate to reach out!
